February 1, 2022
Feb 1 is Imbolc, and this day marks the middle of Winter. We are fully immersed in this season. It’s cold. But the days are very slowly getting lighter. The sunrises and sunsets are spectacular. There is a feeling that something else is coming.
“Im Bolg” in Irish means “in the belly.” At this time, seeds are gestating underground - it’s not quite time to come out yet. “Winter is pregnant with summer.”*
In my opinion, Imbolc should be the time that we make resolutions for the upcoming year, not Jan 1. It’s time to start dreaming about the future.
*I heard this from Claire Davey. I’m not sure the origin, but I suspect it’s an old saying.
These photos were taken around my home and capture the colors and moods that represent this time for me. It was these scenes and colors that inspired the Imbolc quilt.
The central star was from an old project, but I decided to deconstruct it and use it as the medallion at the center of this quilt. I was attracted to the the relationship between the white & off-white fabrics first. They felt 'cold' and in the construction of the sun/star shape, they reminded me of cold light, the essence of this mid-winter time.
Once I realized that this quilt was for winter/Imbolc, I knew that blue was required. Besides the cold light of this time, I'm also struck by the clear, blue skies. Winter days can be so dry - there's no moisture in the air and the sky appears so clear and crisp. The blues in this quilt are all scraps of fabric dyed with indigo.
The finished quilt is heavy - I wish you could hold it. I didn't use the typical cotton bating for the inner layer. Instead I used several pieces of a heavy woven fabric from my stash, including an old table cloth. I didn't know at the time that it would make the quilt feel so heavy, but now I see how appropriate it is. The weight is comforting.
As I was working, the phrase "warming the ground" kept coming to mind, and it may be the name of the quilt. As the Earth shifts on its axis, the Sun comes closer, bringing more light and warmth. "Warming the ground" could also be a mantra for us at this time - our actions and intentions in the coming days are setting the tone for the Spring and Summer we will have this year...